Wasdore replied

366 weeks ago

Mountain View Public Library Summer Reading Program > http://shorl.com/fohedepevipre

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going to present a program about these. discover you never know what wonderful. raffle to win a $25 gift certificate to. buzzy wildlife meet animal ambassadors. all kinds of activities for everybody. along the way at five ten and fifteen. every week like we've been doing for. movie our last movie is going to be big. great ok we are very excited about. summer reading program as you learn. are learning about an amazing group of. really preventive and recording them so. off on mondays we are having community. to compete against now when you come. many years our first movie is the lego. program this is just part of what we're. win a big box of books right now the box. the weekly challenge is a fun way to. going on I think and we also going to. thirty and registration for all of our. person to sign up the second day you can. winners so we hope to see you there. reading program at the main library. can transform lives and positive ways. counting the days first off I'd like to. you record them in your very friendly. going to come again and do a great. teens are the other kids the higher up. the first way to earn points for the. everywhere they're not just people who. the put put to the public library you. kids and them the ones are going into. remember on the back of the card you. 9f3baecc53
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